Friday, March 29, 2013

White army overview

Here is the red army showing the front pawns (with the centre commander pawn). The commander pawn holds a two handed battle axe and is armored. Behind them are the two wizard bishops and knights. At the rear are the two rooks.

Black Army overview

Here is an overview of the black army showing the black pawns up front with two black knights flanking the two black bishops. Behind them are two cave trolls which can be switched in for the black rooks. I thought it would be more interesting to have the black pawn army led by a single commander pawn (as the centre pawns are the strongest in a game of chess).

White Bishop #2 - Green Wizard

In this chess set the White army is in an alliance with the elves. (as observed by the rooks). Hence the second advisor / bishop to the white army is a wizard specialising in nature magic. Hence the green cape and wizard's hat. He holds an electric staff and a book of spells.

White bishop - Grey Wizard

The white army has wizards as their bishops. Representing the king's main advisor is the Gandalf minifigure. To replace his boring staff I have given him twin electric blue lightning bolts. They can be adjusted to shoot out in every direction.

Black Bishop #2 - The Necromancer

The second black bishop is certainly a menacing figure. He holds a bone staff with twin blades at the tip. His helm is borrowed from the Vladek minifigure. His cape is draped around him to give him a mysterious and intimidating appearance. His whole appearance reeks of evil.

Black Bishop - The Grim Reaper

The back bishop is the grim reaper. He is a skeletal figure with red eyes and holds the reaper scythe. Hooded with black wings and and a black cape he is a piece to be feared!

Black Queen and King - The Witch Queen and Merciless King

In the picture below you will see the black king and queen guarded by their two loyal bishops. 

Although they are custom made, some of the ideas have been borrowed from the giant lego chess set. The king's throne is almost an exact replica apart from a few minor alterations such as a tiled floor and slight improvements. The king's shield shows a red scorpion borrowed from the Evil Vladek minifigure. His throne is decorated with twin flames and tipped with red gems. The back of his throne has a window just like the queen's throne. He wears black armor and holds an aqua gem tipped staff. 

The black queen is a witch and she is wearing a black cape with a black hood. Her chest is armored and in front of her she has two carefully placed potions ready to consume.Her throne is shaped just like the queen's chess piece.

White Queen and King pieces

Here is the custom white king and queen. 

King has a golden helm, armor, sword and cape and a wizened aged look to his face. His shield is decorated by his emblem that his army also carries. He sits on his throne which contains an inverted cross.

The queen is also dressed in red with a golden crown and goblet. She holds a ruby red gem tipped staff and her throne is the same shape you would expect out of a chess piece. 

The throne required a lot of thought to design and are ofcourse custom made. If you compare the pictures of the queen and king chess pieces below you will see the cross representing the king piece and the spikes representing the crown of the queen.